सोमवार, 13 अक्टूबर 2014

Lyrics- is that right time

Boy;- is that right time to talk to you.
Girl:- I don't think so

really! You don't wana talk to me

May be, don't sure try little bit more

(Again is that time ........)

Don't be so rude. Its a request with politeness.

I am not rude, just don't ready its too early. I need time.

I know Time is precious but wait is also too hard

(3rd time is that right ........)

Girl :- okay you can, before that i just need favor.

Boy:- oh sure, i am always pays your words its a prmoise to me always.

Girl:- so leave me and don't stalk me ever.

He is laughing and move on and never come back.

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